The Magic of Sea Life

Many thanks once again to the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! Moved by the prompt photo? Come on by and write your own 100 words…

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Magic of Sea Life

It isn’t the weather I miss when I’m inland; it’s the ambiance. The whole experience. The chatter —powerful yet subtle—between sea, sand, and any visitor who happens to have a listening ear. 

The water, salty on my throat and sweet on my toes, teases me as the sand drains from my soul everything grimy and dark. Like a sewage suction truck, it pulls the stresses of life through my pores and captures them in its tiny granules. What happens there? I suspect the ugly is composted, like food scraps, into peace. 

Where else would the calm come from?

31 thoughts on “The Magic of Sea Life

    1. James, you may be right! I wondered if the contrast was too jarring an image for a peaceful writing, but I like how the sewage is transitioned to something better. Thank you for your comment!

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  1. I really loved this short recognition of the beauty and joy of the sea (and by extension all bodies of water). The line about the chatter between the sea and sand and any visitor was beautiful, as was the description of stress leaving the body. Heck, the whole thing was beautiful! 🙂

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