Trash Day

It’s time again for Friday Fictioneers! Thank you Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting! One photo, 100 words…

Trash Day

Stench stabbed her nostrils as Isabel pushed open her apartment door. The trash. Had it been two weeks? Three? Ugh. It had to go. 

She stabbed the elevator button and tapped her toes as the machine yawned to life. Rushing into the tiny space, trash bag in hand, she nearly gagged, then looked up. A neatly-dressed man with his hands primly behind his back looked uncomfortable. Fantastic.

Counting down the floors, Isabel raced to the dumpster, paused, giving the man time to walk by, then turned, nearly crashing into him.

He held up a bag of familiar-smelling trash and winked.

27 thoughts on “Trash Day

    1. Hehe, that’s the truth. Although if you start low enough, there’s only one direction to go! This piece was a bit of a flop, but thank you for reading and commenting! 🙂


    1. Thank you for your comment! A trash-stealing character would be enough to make me move out of the building… Maybe this is the beginning of a much darker story than I originally planned.


    1. If he’s stealing her trash, I think they have even bigger problems than being suffocated by stench in the elevator! The idea in my head was a humorous piece that didn’t quite play out in 100 words. The trash-stealing angle might spice things up. Thank you for reading and for your comment!

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  1. Makes me wonder whether she is agoraphobic? Not sure how a relationship with two who are either procrastinators or mentally ill would get along? Or is he stealing her trash?! That’s a whole other kettle of fish.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You brought up so very interesting ideas! This piece basically flopped as I was trying for an awkward comedic piece, hehe. One hundred words wasn’t enough to develop anything :). Thank you for reading and for your fascinating comments!

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  2. Is he stealig her trash? Or are they sharing food? I’m wondering why his trash smells so familiar, or is it just that he’s as bad at taking it out as she is. If so, I hope love doesn’t blossom or they’ll be bringing down the building!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Soooo, I realized pretty quickly that this piece didn’t stick the landing…at all. Oh well! It’s happens! This was meant to be a comic piece, not a romance, but basically everything important got cut out (I always overwrite and reduce). One hundred words is impossible :). Hehehe! I’m not sure the building can stand them if they decide to join forces. Thanks for reading and commenting!


      1. haha, I know that feeling with the edits effecting the reading, not to worry, with FF there’s always the next week (as I just commented to someone regarding my own story).


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