The Stage

Thanks again to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! Here’s my take on the photo prompt in 100 words.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

The Stage

Little Emmie loved to dance, but distrusted the stage. 

She rushed twice a week to the room with mirrors and eagerly mimicked as Ms. Jones moved to the music. But it didn’t seem quite right, like trying to draw a sunset.

“On stage,” Ms. Jones’ words glowed with reverence, “it will be magnificent!”

Emmie wasn’t sure. Her costume looked too ruffly, sequin-y, and bright. 

Mom read Emmie’s thoughts on performance day and smiled. “Just try it once, hun. Experiences are good.”

After the dance, Mom pushed her way backstage. Emmie ran to her.

“Agggghh!” She screamed. “I love the stage!”

22 thoughts on “The Stage

    1. Yes, so true! The people who motivate others to better things are probably the most influential people in the world, though they may never fully realize it. Thank you for commenting, and my apologies for the delayed reply.


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