Growing Up With Books

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Rouchard

Growing Up With Books

Twelve-year-old Leon reverently lifted old Mr. Santos’ familiar books and packed them into boxes. 

The volumes hadn’t change, but they seemed transfigured. 

Every busybody in town had a guess about who would inherit the precious collection.

Leon knew, but stayed silent, waiting for the will. 

He remembered Mr. Santos’ intelligent eyes glowing with pride. 

“They’re yours. Your keys to the future.” His voice trembled as much as his hands. “I only wish I could listen in, hear what they tell you. It’s different for everyone.” 

Leon’s heart swelled, as if he’d been knighted. He was a child no longer. 

Many thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! One photo, 100 words… Come join the fun!

25 thoughts on “Growing Up With Books

    1. James, thank you! I’ve always been fascinated by how different people seem to notice totally different things, as if the books are telling different stories depending on who picks them up!

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  1. What a wonderful passage:

    “They’re yours. Your keys to the future.” His voice trembled as much as his hands. “I only wish I could listen in, hear what they tell you. It’s different for everyone.”

    Mr. Santos chose well. 

    Good storytelling, Angela.

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