Empty Store

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The store was empty. Why did Marcie feel like she was being watched? 

She heard an even rasp. Shuffling? And heavy breathing? She tried not to panic. A man slunk through the storage room doorway, a gun in hand, a twisted smile on his pocked face. How—? She stumbled backward. The man opened his mouth. “Marcie.”

“Marcie? Hey, Marce. You doze off?” Steve’s face appeared through the fog. “I’m leaving early, remember. You’re okay closing up, right? Big date tonight!”

He rushed for the door. Macie swallowed.

The store was empty. Why did she feel like she was being watched? 

To read more 100 word stories based on this photo prompt, hop over to Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

29 thoughts on “Empty Store

    1. Thank you! I wasn’t planning to go there, but the more I stared at the photo the more it creeped me out. I’m not sure if it’s in her head or some kind of premonition. Time will tell.

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