Finding Happiness

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

Finding Happiness

“This is your atelier?” Amy gasped. “It’s stunning!” 

Priscilla grasped the chilly railing. Beautiful, she thought, but lonely


And unrelateable, Priscilla swallowed hard. 


And so distant.

A different Priscilla’s words hijacked her thoughts—Happiness is like a crystal… She chuckled. “There are some downsides, but it’s my treasure.”

Priscilla Leonard’s poem Happiness was on my mind this morning, so I worked it in!

Many thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! To read more 100 word stories based on this photo prompt, click here.

15 thoughts on “Finding Happiness

  1. Lovely, it’s all about perspective isn’t it. At first I was confused by ‘a different Priscilla’s words” but then read your note and the poem and I got it. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Who wouldn’t love a studio like that? It’s lovely, Angela!

    My cousin in Maryland bought an old church and renovated it to be his family’s home. His wife uses the former bell tower as her sewing room. They love it! The downside is they get their fair share of people knocking on the front door looking for a priest! ~ Nancy


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