Making a Break

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

Making a Break

Alissa always imitated the neighbor kids. She liked what they liked and played what they played.

When the tiny library appeared, they wandered over and she followed. Turning pages, Alissa felt like heaven had opened. They would come here every afternoon from here on out. How could they not?

But the next day the kids voted to play soccer. Soccer. For the first time in her life, Alissa was torn. She trudged after her friends, paused, peered backward, then made her decision.

“Hey, Alissa! Where ya goin’?”

Sprinting toward the library she shouted over her shoulder. “I’ve gotta read!” 

As always, many thanks for Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! Stop over and read a wonderful array of 100-word-fiction pieces based on this photo prompt!

Growing Up With Books

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Rouchard

Growing Up With Books

Twelve-year-old Leon reverently lifted old Mr. Santos’ familiar books and packed them into boxes. 

The volumes hadn’t change, but they seemed transfigured. 

Every busybody in town had a guess about who would inherit the precious collection.

Leon knew, but stayed silent, waiting for the will. 

He remembered Mr. Santos’ intelligent eyes glowing with pride. 

“They’re yours. Your keys to the future.” His voice trembled as much as his hands. “I only wish I could listen in, hear what they tell you. It’s different for everyone.” 

Leon’s heart swelled, as if he’d been knighted. He was a child no longer. 

Many thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! One photo, 100 words… Come join the fun!