Across the Generations


Across the Generations

“I WON’T sleep! Never. Not without DEAR Mr. Bear.” Penny dropped her flushed cheek against the rough quilt and wailed.

“We forgot to pack him, hun. You’ll have to manage.”

“I WANTED to go back. He’ll NEVER forgive me! Oh, Mr. BEAR.”

Mother’s lips danced and she quickly looked away. 

Grandma’s silhouette filled the doorway. “Like mother, like daughter.” 

“Hmmm.” Mother stood and poked her head into the closet. 

“Mr. Rabbit has sat here alone for 20 years, Pen.”

“Whoaaaaa. That’s forEVER.” She exhaled loudly. ”Okay. I’ll take him.”

“You’re a trooper.” Mother kissed Penny’s cheek. “You, too, Mr. Rabbit.”

To read more 100 word stories based on this photo prompt, hop over to Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.