The Perfect Pie

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Perfect Pie

For the most part, Granny was a terrible baker. Her cookies were charcoal-edged and her biscuits kept the dogs busier than marrow bones. But her pies? Perfection. 

I’d follow my nose to the kitchen where the counter was sprinkled with flour, fruit scraps and dirty utensils. I complimented and coaxed, poked furtively in cabinets looking for recipes. No luck. 

Years later she neared the end. “It’s my last chance to ask. What’s your pie secret?”

Granny leaned closer. “I make every one from scratch.” She giggled. “Then I pitch it and buy another, ready-to-bake, from Pie in the Sky. Perfection!”

Many thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting another round of Friday Fictioneers! Drop by to write your own 100-word fiction based on the photo prompt or to enjoy the work of other writers!