The Memento

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

The Memento 

He kept it? After all these years? Yes, it’s unmistakable. On that shelf.

In the glass I see us again: Magic colors in the night sky, white steps that crack and crunch, snowflakes melting in our warm breath. 

Oh, the wonderful power of memories, stored anywhere, hidden in plain sight, wrapped mysteriously around innocuous things—a sound; a color; a tower of silica sand, molten, cooled, frozen in time. 

I lift the memento, cautiously, trying not to tremble. “This looks special.” 

“Isn’t it pretty?” He shrugged. “I can’t for the life of me remember where I got it.”

As always, many thanks for Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! Stop over and read more 100-word-fiction pieces based on this photo prompt!