The Magic of Sea Life

Many thanks once again to the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! Moved by the prompt photo? Come on by and write your own 100 words…

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Magic of Sea Life

It isn’t the weather I miss when I’m inland; it’s the ambiance. The whole experience. The chatter —powerful yet subtle—between sea, sand, and any visitor who happens to have a listening ear. 

The water, salty on my throat and sweet on my toes, teases me as the sand drains from my soul everything grimy and dark. Like a sewage suction truck, it pulls the stresses of life through my pores and captures them in its tiny granules. What happens there? I suspect the ugly is composted, like food scraps, into peace. 

Where else would the calm come from?