The Rusty Bridge

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

The Rusty Bridge

Bridges always make me think of Rusty. 

He sent letters til I was 10, telling of his adventures.  I kept a list back then, updating it every time he wrote. When I turned 18, I would follow in his footsteps. Yellowstone Natural Bridge was the last place he mentioned before we got the life-shattering call. 

I ended my list, put it in a tin can deep in my closet, and decided to take a safe path instead. 

Yesterday, I found the list.

“I lost my life in a different way, Big Brother,” I moaned.

This evening, I bought a backpack.

Many thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers! One photo, 100 words… Why not join us?

Has anyone else been struggling with posting comments lately? Not that you’ll be able to answer if you are :). I’m having the worst luck getting comments to take…